Move over kale—there’s a new superfood in town, and it might just help you turn back the clock.
Discover how psychedelics enhance intimacy, boost sexual satisfaction, and promote spiritual connections in relationships for improved well-being.
Go in it with the right state of mind. Follow these eight core principles to harm reduction & best practices and get the most out of your psychedelic journey.
My doctor may not like this but - I'm self medicating. Naturally of course. How my consistent consumption of psychedelics improved the world around me.
Mycology expert Paul Stamets' micro dose stack referred to as the "Stamets Stack," is a method that includes psilocybin with these two essential elements.
Lion's Mane: A fascinating mushroom with origins in ancient medicine, now a holistic superhero. From Asia to the West, it's prized for brain health and immune support
Magic mushrooms, LSD and other psychedelic drugs increase sexual function and may be able to save struggling marriages, a study from Imperial College London suggests.
Psychedelics may not only affect us while awake. But they have a powerful impact in our dream state. Here are 5 ways psychedelics may impact your dreams.
Nature's cognitive enhancers meet psychedelic wonders. Discover ways to incorporate powerful fungi into your daily life for mind and body wellness!
Explore breakthrough insights into fast-acting antidepressants, transforming memories, and offering hope for effective depression treatment
Lemon tek is used to convert psilocybin into psilocin for easier uptake. Find out what it is and what makes it so hyped.